It is my great privilege to say something about Cambridge Family which has been established with the motto; “DARKNESS ONTO LIGHT” in 1999 AD. This is the family of all citizens of the universe where we work for quality education in combine determination. So, I am proud to be a significant member of this gorgeous family. Our students have reached the greater heights as inspired by the motto “DARKNESS ONTO LIGHT” and have illumined the name of the Cambridge international Boarding H.S. School/College. The students come here with a great hope and vision and achieve their dreams in real sense. The aim of the college always has been to bring out the best in the students and make them better citizens of globe. The college always tries to impart in the students the academic excellence, a sense of duty, discipline and above all moral and humanitarian values which are a need of the time. No one parents want their child to be a failure, bad in the society. Hence, with the cooperation of the parents and guardians we can form our students and help them accomplish the excellence.
In the contemporary era there are lots of exposure for the students. The postmodern culture has brought immense changes in our lifestyles and thinking patterns and this has deeply rooted in the young generation. With the change of time there should be a change in rearing our children. When we are able to understand the needs of children, especially emotional needs and act upon it, we can make them emotionally strong and firm. With love and understanding parents and teachers can together to form the children best. So, we all the family members of Cambridge, let’s dream together, let’s hope together, let’s work together and let’s make our kids excellent together.
I am sure we can make our dream true and cultivate responsibility in the heart of all the students. This is the responsibility towards parents, responsibility towards school/college, responsibility towards community and nation and their sense of responsibility towards nature cum entire universe and creatures. Because of great responsibility of parents and teachers I also would like to make the students aware of their responsibilities towards the parents, school and towards the society and so on. At the present time as students grow rapidly to their age, they should act responsibly in their behavior and actions. When the students become aware of themselves and the surroundings, they act responsibly. Thus, it is also our task to bring awareness in our children where they can’t feel any absent of ours in their life.
I would like to thank to entire family members of this institution who have believed and enjoy with us. As well as I am always hunger enough to welcome more and more members in our family. Furthermore I wish a better future of all the children in this institution. I wish all the best to our staff and children in the days to come. Let us make the difference in the world, let’s be united together and let’s make our dream true. Come, join with us and let’s make a largest and wonderful, happy family in the world.
At last but not least I wish we could get more feedback from our ex-students who have been working in different national and international institutions as it has long history.
“We serve the best, we deserved the best”.
Thank you
Keshab Bahadur Pun
Founder Principal/Campus Chief