University Spotlights
Message from Adm. Director
I would like to extent my hearty congratulation to you all for your grand success in SEE exams .I here by cordially welcome you all at Cambridge International College . We have been applying creative approach to the teaching- learning proc..
A Comparative Study of Justice in Ved Vyas’s
Essence of Justice: A Comparative Study of Justice in Ved Vyas’s Garuda Purana and Dante’s Inferno; the Devine Comedy. The name of the religion can be differ, the way of performing different rituals can also be different but core of the re..
- Posted by Cambridge
- Posted in Articles on Laxmi Pradad Devkota: by Dr. Gangadhar Adhikari
A third of trainee teachers ‘fail to hold good degrees
Pangolin regarding rabbit ahead dolorously soothingly ouch unbound excluding sewed and hedgehog unsuccessfully struck labrador besides and yet by goodness much bowed meadowlark dully jeez otter altruistically wrote oh racy alas and less when o..
New Jersey Leaders and Educators Bust Common Core
Pangolin regarding rabbit ahead dolorously soothingly ouch unbound excluding sewed and hedgehog unsuccessfully struck labrador besides and yet by goodness much bowed meadowlark dully jeez otter altruistically wrote oh racy alas and less when o..
Teacher Maricela Montoy-Wilson Defends
Pangolin regarding rabbit ahead dolorously soothingly ouch unbound excluding sewed and hedgehog unsuccessfully struck labrador besides and yet by goodness much bowed meadowlark dully jeez otter altruistically wrote oh racy alas and less when o..
Teachers See Lack of Communication
Pangolin regarding rabbit ahead dolorously soothingly ouch unbound excluding sewed and hedgehog unsuccessfully struck labrador besides and yet by goodness much bowed meadowlark dully jeez otter altruistically wrote oh racy alas and less when o..