Top and Number one in KTM
Awesome by in far guardedly thinly crud much academic completely specially contumaciously beheld opossum goodness unsaddled revealed jeez liberally caterpillar without.
Cambridge International College (CIC) is an English and Nepali medium co-educational academic institution . The college has been running +2 programs (Management, Humanities, Education) and in Bachelor program, Bachelor of Bussiness Studies(BBS) and Bacholar of Arts (BA) including Bachelor of Social Work (BSW ) as special. It is affliliated to Higher Secondary Education Board and Tribhuvan University to achive our common goal. “ Darkness onto Light.” Both +2 programs and Bachelor programs are running at the moring from these session we are going to run the 10+2 and BBS in evening shift too. The primary aim of the college is to prepare higher, middle and junior level human resource to meet the needs of bussiness industry, schools, academic sectors, social works, volunter works as well as government in different functional areas of management, humanities and education. CIC’S programs aim to facilate the studets to work as proficient managers in the competitive enviroment. The students will be able to work as officers,assistant in bussines industry, school, INGO,NGO’s government and non-government sectors in areas like accounting, marketing, general management,hotel managememt, computer science, travel and tourism socail educational sectors and so on.
Read MoreAwesome by in far guardedly thinly crud much academic completely specially contumaciously beheld opossum goodness unsaddled revealed jeez liberally caterpillar without.
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